Page 26 - alumni_newsletter_spring2008

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ist Southwest Hospital, 230 beds),” he
wrote. “The southwest Fort Worth area is
currently growing at a very fast pace, and
the past year HMSW practically tripled
in bed-size. And so, it seemed like the
perfect place to be involved in operations
and ‘’get my hands dirty’’ so to speak. The
projects I have been working on are quite
diverse and range across the continuum:
from Business Planning and develop-
ment of specific service lines, to Cost-
effectiveness and Quality initiatives, to
even serving food at the cafeteria (as part
of my food services rotation)!”
Maher Abdel-Sattar ’03
from UCLA on December 15, 2007, with
a degree in Molecular, Cell, & Develop-
mental Biology and a minor in Human
Complex Systems.  
He is currently living in Westwood
Village in Los Angeles, and working
at the UCLA Orientation Office as an
Orientation Assistant. He’s also taking
Speech-intensive Spanish classes for the
first time through UCLA Extension. He
is currently applying to
a variety of jobs, one of
which is a position to go
teach English in France
for 6 to 9 months starting
October 2008. He’s also
interviewing to become a
camp counselor at Bruin
Woods which is a presti-
gious Summer camp for
UCLA Alumni in Lake Ar-
rowhead, California. He also
intends to apply for UCSF,
UCSD, & USC’s pharmacy
school programs this June
and continue his higher education in that
field as of Fall 2009. “I still treasure all of
my IC memories and I’m very proud of
my two sisters’ accomplishments in 3ème
and 1ère respectively,” he writes.
Ahmad El Baba ’04
graduated from
AUB in 2007 with a BS in Computer Sci-
ence and a minor in Business Administra-
tion. He is now in Canada doing his MBA
in investment management and CFA.
Karim Youssef ’06
is currently in
Montreal studying in John Molson
School Of Business along with Jamil
Yamout, Sary Ladki, Rashid Younes. “Ev-
erything is great here,” he writes. ‘We are
finishing our second year.”
Rasha Fakhreddine ’06
is study-
ing Education at AUB with a minor in
psychology. She’s in her junior year. “My
plan for the future is to continue my
masters in London, hopefully! And then
come back to Lebanon and
teach in my beloved school IC!! Universi-
ty is fun and a nice experience...however
nothing can be compared to the 15 years
I spent at IC, my second home! This
(2006) was the best class ever! Full of
memories and adventures. That year was
a blast, full with unforgettable moments!
I wish time would go back, and we can
go back to old IC school days.”
Ruba Sidani ’06
is in her second year
as a graphic design major at AUB and
expects to graduate in 2010. “Your efforts
in the newsletter are highly appreciated;
it is always great to hear what the fellow
alumni are up to!” she writes.
Mai Khattab ’07
writes that “I came
to IC in 2000 and that was when my life
started changing. I learned how to stand
out among the crowd and fight for what
I believe is right. I knew that if I was to
achieve my goals I would need to excel
academically, physically, and socially. I
graduated in 2007 with distinction,
participated twice in the Arabic dra-
ma, traveled with the MUN to Qatar,
and played with the football team.
Moreover, I was elected as part of the
SRC, and won the IC spirit award
and the IC Alumni award. My aspi-
ration did not end when I graduat-
ed. On the contrary, I became even
more ambitious at AUB where I
was elected as the representative
of sophomore students at the Civil
Engineering Society.
I have always heard that the best
years of your life are at university,
but that is not true. The most
remarkable accomplishments and turning
points happened to me during my school
years at IC. Most importantly, I met the
most respectable and loyal friends in
school. How can I possibly forget our
senior trip to Cyprus when all of us
bonded so much? During senior year, we
used to get breakfast to class almost ev-
ery morning. My life at IC … wow!”
Alumni News
We regret to inform you that
Nabil El Imad ’69
passed away on February 25,
2008 and
William Ghosn ’63
passed away on February 26, 2008. IC faculty and
staff send their deepest condolences to the El Imad and Ghosn families.