Page 15 - Alumni Newsletter Summer 2012

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Yet again, International Day proved to be
hugely popular this year as around 2500
people showed up to watch elementary
and middle school students from Ras
Beirut and Ain Aar campuses perform
the songs and dances of various countries
(thanks to the uncanny predictions of IC’s
physical plant, almost all were able to find
seats!).This year’s nations included Bul-
garia, Ireland, Macedonia, Ukraine, China,
Japan, Pakistan, and Venezuela. Grade 3/
CE2 and Grade 6/sixième students have
been studying their assigned countries for
the past few weeks. Following the perfor-
mances held at the IC football field, guests
were treated to the delectable national
dishes of each country – mostly served
by the happy but tired mothers, who had
wholeheartedly joined their children in
researching and preparing the dishes for
“their” respective countries.
IC middle school students, French and English sections, par-
ticipated in a math competition in March. Run by “Maths Sans
Frontières” and conducted in Lebanon under the supervision of
the GREM (Groupe de reflexion en Mathématiques), the com-
petition is an interclass initiative for all French “homologuées”
and “conventionnées” schools.The competition was translated by
the IC math department in English to give a chance for English
section students to participate as well.The aim of the competition
is to emphasize group work spirit and encourage students to solve
problems based on real life scenarios which require math skills.
The results are out: 5th C (Ras Beirut) gained the 3rd price
among all Seconde/ 5th in Lebanon and the 6eme B (Ain Aar)
gained the 2nd price with another school among all 6eme/ 1st.
International Day
Middle School students participate in Math competition