Page 17 - Alumni Newsletter Summer 2012

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Since field trips help students interact
with what they are learning, the teachers
at Ain Aar have been organizing numer-
ous ones all over town. It’s been a wel-
come break in the routine. Students look
forward to and prepare for the field trip
for several days, spend the day in a differ-
ent environment, then complete a lesson
on the topic covered after the trip is over.
Learning in assorted ways can appeal to
varied learning styles, helping children to
succeed whether they are visual (seeing),
auditory (hearing), kinesthetic (moving),
or tactile (touching) learners.
Ain Aar students go on many field trips
“Alone Together” is a collection of poems in two languages
that resulted from a correspondence that started by post
and continued virtually.
Aida Y. Haddad
lives in Washing-
ton DC. She used to live in Athens. She writes in Arabic.
Mishka Mojabber Mourani
(IC Senior Vice President) lives
in Beirut. She writes in English.They have been sharing their
writing, and translating each other’s work, across continents
and years.This book began as an airmail correspondence be-
tween them when Aida lived in Greece.The letters eventually
became emails and travelled between the USA and Lebanon.
Dualities of space, time and language were very much a part
of “Alone, Together.” (Excerpt from back cover)
Alone Together