Page 9 - Alumni Newsletter Winter 2012-2013

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a bittersweet moment for her. In Turkey
since 1980, she is now the sole remnant of
an all-encompassing undertaking begun
by Protestant missionaries Reverends
Levi Parsons and Pliny Fisk in 1820. Her
retirement next year marks the end of that
mission. Understandably, she couldn’t help
shedding a few tears.
“Still, to think that we have Arab, Turkish
and Greek students coming together like
this is really fantastic,” she said. “To me
it feels as if the mission of the American
Board continues.”
As for IC, it very astutely established its
own board when it left Turkey who saw to
it that the school develops many profes-
sional relationships. Moreover, once out
of the Ottoman Empire and with the
support of the Lebanese government, IC
was free to implement its open and liberal
system of education. Not only did IC
survive but it flourished.
In Izmir, the group’s first item on the
agenda was investigating the former
whereabouts of the first IC and ACI cam-
puses.The only known information was
that it was near the Basmane Railroad
station on Meles street.The train station
was indeed still there and functioning.
But Meles street and its once charming
buildings had been burned to the ground
in the great fire of Smyrna in 1922.
Instead there were unimaginative blocks
of dwellings where ACI was located and a
big metal warehouse where IC used to be.
Fortunately, IC had moved out of the
school on Meles street in 1913 and enjoyed
a beautiful campus in the not too distant
area of Paradise.That campus had survived
the fire intact and remains till this day.
Three days passed quickly. Students
proudly put on dances, sang their Alma
Mater songs and basically showed off
their schools.
Farewells were difficult. A definite bond of
friendship had obviously been established
between all – but while adults may have
been a little sheepish of fond farewells,
students fortunately were not, as they
uninhibitedly embraced each other and
promised to keep in touch on Facebook.
“I feel very proud of having done this,”
said Erpulat. “It’s a dream come true. We
must continue meeting every year and
incorporate other schools (founded by the
American Board) and become one big
family again.”
The International College will be hosting the
second Founder’s Day next year.
The first IC campus in Basmane, Izmir (Symrna) 1890-1914