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Alumni News
he doesn’t really remember being
scared. But she must have been for as
her solo came up, she opened her mouth
and screamed out for her mother.
The audience laughed. But unbeknown
to them, this six-year-old girl would grow
up to win a spot in Star Academy, star in
a television series and record duets with
world renowned musician, Chris De
At only 20,
Tina Yamout ’05
has be-
come a household name as her powerful
voice reached inside many Lebanese and
Arab homes. Star Academy, a television
program where a number of wanna-be
stars are holed up for over three months
together practicing for the stage, was her
first big break. The show, aired across the
Arab world soundly putting Yamout in
the realm of up and coming super stars.
“You learn a lot of things about your-
self, about others, about music,” said
Yamout. “And that was enough for me to
go through with it.”
Yamout discovered the stage at IC. At
first, she only danced and participated in
almost every performance given at the Ain
Aar branch of IC. She loved the stage.
And small wonder. Both her parents are
performers in their own way. Yamout fond-
ly remembers her father teaching her ball
room dancing. Father and daughter would
twirl around for hours. Her mother and
grandmother, both piano players, would
play out a melody for the family to sing.
At 14, Yamout lost her father - a big
blow to this close knit family. An only
child, she turned to her mother, Suzanne,
who became her most important cham-
pion and cheerleader.
“I always want to make my mother
proud of me,” said Yamout. “She’s my big-
gest supporter.”
She continued her love affair with the
IC’s Rising