Page 19 - alumni_newsletter_spring2008

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From Beirut to Washington,
DC., (Saturday, February 9, 2008)
The first stop this school year was Wash-
ington DC where the new alumni com-
mittee led by
Wissam Yafi ’87
Ramadan ’87
Hind Shaheen ’91
organized a beautiful dinner at the Leba-
nese Taverna. About thirty alumni and
friends attended.  IC was represented
by President Johnson, his wife Mary,
Nimr Ibrahim (Vice President, Alumni
and Development) and Marti Ibrahim
(former faculty). Trustee Matt Reynolds
was also present. All proceeds from this
dinner will go towards the Yafi Memorial
Scholarship Fund IC.
To Houston, Texas, (Wednesday, Feb-
ruary 13, 2008)
Omar Sawaf ‘73
and his wife
Sima hosted a reception in honor of
President John Johnson. The reception
was attended by a number of alumni and
friends in the Houston area including the
Lebanese Honorary Consul General and
IC graduate Dr. Amin Bohsali.  Alumni
and friends had many questions about
IC’s future plans.
To Boston, Massachusetts, (Friday,
February 15, 2008)
Usama Hamdan ’71
and Aida Da-
jani Hamdan hosted a reception at their
beautiful home in West-
wood, MA to welcome
President John Johnson,
Senior Vice President
Mishka Mourani, (in
town to attend conferenc-
es and recruit new fac-
ulty) and Nimr Ibrahim. 
A number of alumni and
former teaching fellows
attended the lovely reception.
To New York City, New York, (Friday,
February 22, 2008)
Hani Beyhum ’76
and Hourig Mes-
serlian with the help of New York office
organized a lovely reception at the new
and well reviewed Lebanese restaurant
Lili. The event was attended by more
than 30 alumni and friends, including
Mary Johnson, Lebanon’s Consul Gen-
eral in New York
and his wife, The
Hon. Antoine Az-
zam. The number
could have been
much bigger had
it not been for the
snow storm that
dumped more than
six inches of snow
on the city that day!
Dinners and Events
Development News
Washington DC
From right to left:
WissamYafi ‘87
David Ramadan ‘87
Hind Ahdab ‘87
John Johnson
Mary Johnson
Nimr Ibrahim
USAID grant
USAID presented IC with a check for
$300,000 – the first part of a $500,000
grant to be used for this year’s scholar-
ship fund. Dr. Raouf Yussef, the head of
the USAID in Lebanon presented Mr
Moufid Beydoun, the Vice President
of Alumni Development, the check on
February 8th at the US embassy.
The contribution is part of the USAID
scholarship program to help more chil-
dren and adolescents attend American
style schools and universities.
The grant is earmarked for scholarships
and other development projects at IC.
From right to left:
Usama Hamdan ‘71
John Johnson
Cherif Moujabber
Aida Dajani Hamdan
Nour Kibbi ‘06
Mishka Mourani
Eric Hayden
Dania Ali-Ahmad
Mansour ‘87
Moussa Mansour
Nimr Ibrahim