Page 21 - IC Newsletter Summer 2009

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Campus News
SUMMER 2009 21
President and long time friend.
“Before educational research told us
that students learn best when they
are engaged, Tom was engaging his
students in discussions about litera-
ture, and teaching them to appreciate
the beauty of the English language, a
passion which we both shared.
Before educational research told us
that students learn when they per-
ceive that their teachers care about
them, Tom cared, and he did so unob-
trusively but wholeheartedly.
Tom also engaged - and cared about
-the teachers in his trust. He was a
wonderful mentor, giving guidance
and criticism, while ensuring he re-
spected the dignity of his colleagues,
as young or inexperienced as they
may be. He would sometimes drop by
my classroom and sit in the back, and
the feedback he would give me later
was always thought-provoking and
encouraging. It was my great privilege
to succeed him as Head of English at
IC, after he made sure
he had trained me
thoroughly. And I of-
ten found myself em-
ulating his approach
and thanking him
silently for his men-
touched the lives
of generations of
IC students, par-
ents, faculty and adminis-
trators in many ways:  As a dormitory
master, scholar, musician, equestrian,
outdoorsman and bon vivant. Tom
spoke several languages and epito-
mized the best of American culture
and values. He was a man of integrity
and generosity; he was open and ac-
cepting of others, and he knew how
to communicate with children and
adults alike.
IC’s debts to Tom are many. After April
1975, ‘regular academic programs
at the Mechref campus had to be
abandoned because of the dangers
and disruptions of the civil war. An IC
provide at least token con-
tinuity and deter possible intrusions
or looting, was maintained for several
months by a few staff volunteers led
by Thomas Weaver, head teacher of
English. But repeated occupations and
threats by successive militias eventu-
ally forced even these intrepid IC vet-
erans to withdraw,’ and Tom moved to
the IC campus.
God bless Tom and, as Tom would
quickly say as well, God bless IC.
May Tom eternally rest in peace.”
A Celebration of his Life
in IC and AUB
to Tom Weaver’s life on
May 26 AUB’s Assembly
Hall to commemorate
the life of a man who
gave so much to the
two institutions. Tom
Weaver passed away in
Tom Weaver in 2005
Tom Weaver with former students in 2005